What if you had 7 Months To Live?

What have you got planned for this year? What about the next ten?

I've been watching a new Netflix show which has got me thinking. In the show, there are only 7 months and 13 days before Earth is destroyed. Just long enough to plan how you'd spend your last few months on earth and act on it. I started to wonder what I would do in that situation.

This reminded me of some of the best goal-planning advice I've ever received. Don't just plan your year. Don't just make work goals. Think 5,10, 20, 30 years ahead and ask yourself "What do I want life to be like?". Write down your vision.

I've done this exercise with my 5-year vision before, thinking I'd described a dream. Within 4 years I didn't have what I described, but I had every constituent part and it was better. Without even thinking about it, every year had slowly built up to that vision.

So what do you want life to be like? If you only had 7 months and 13 days left, what would you do differently? What stops you from doing that? If that vision isn't practical, could you make a little more space this year for something similar?

If you haven't seen Carol and the End of the World, it's a beautifully done animated series and provokes some deep thought. It's just lovely.https://rfr.bz/l8us0he


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