The Power of the 'Big Ask': How Boldness Opens Doors

Recently, I had a revealing chat with a young professional who did something quite audacious. He emailed his CEO directly, seeking advice on a particular career skill he was eager to polish. Not only did he receive a swift reply, but he also gained invaluable insights straight from the top of the organisation. This speaks volumes about both the young man's bravery and the CEO's accessibility.

This made me reflect: How many of us restrain ourselves, letting fear guide our actions? The truth is, often the bolder the ask, the fewer the people who have the guts to pose it. Most people are frozen by the thought of being turned down or the possibility of overstepping the mark. Yet, it's these very bold requests that can stand out, precisely because they're so uncommon.

Imagine being in a room full of people, all pondering whether to ask a question but holding back. The one individual who does pose the question might be the only one to get an answer, and potentially, much more besides. It's a simple principle: "Don't ask, don't get."

Such daring requests aren't just about securing what you want. They're also about personal growth, stepping outside of one's comfort zone, and showing a bit of vulnerability. They teach us resilience, the importance of taking the initiative, and the value of inquisitiveness.

So, my challenge to you is this: Think back to a time when you held back from making a 'big ask'. What held you back? Now, picture the best possible outcome had you taken that plunge. Life's too short for what-ifs. The next time a chance comes your way, gather your courage and make that 'big ask'. You might be pleasantly surprised by the opportunities it unveils.


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